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DON'T MARRY A LIABILITY by Counselor Adofoli

Every relationship aims at adding to life and not to take from it. That is why death is so painful. Losing a dear one is heart breaking, it also indicate end of a relationship. It is rather unfortunate that lots of relationships the youth especially, get themselves involved in these days are nothing more than  liabilities. Relationships that suck the very life out of them, leaving them dry and dead.

If the man or woman coming into your life is not going to add anything to your present value in life then you are better off being alone. You don't need someone who is in your life only to take from you.

No matter how rich you are today in life, such a relationship has the power to leave you with a negative balance in life such as regret, pains, disappointment.

Adding to your life should not be trimmed to finances. You need someone who prays for you, someone who motivates you, someone who gives you good advice, someone who supports you in any way they can.

If the one you are in a relationship with can neither pray for they themselves and you, then such a person is a liability. If your partner cannot motivate you, but chooses to discourage you, insult you, bring you down, doubt you, he or she is a liability.

A partner who cannot give you good advice but chooses to give you bad counselling, push you to do things that are against yourself, God or parent or people around you, a partner who manipulates you and tries to control your life is a liability.

A partner who is lazy and cannot help themselves in anything but rely on you for everything is a liability. Such a person depends on you for their personal needs. Even things they can easily do for themselves, they still want you to do that for them all in the name of a relationship. You suffer in such relationships with burdens and no one to help you. It feels like being in a relationship alone. And anytime you can’t do those very things for them, they become mad and accuse you of cheating.

A partner who has the habit of borrowing from you but has no plans of paying back although they claim they are borrowing from you is a liability. Such a relationship needs closure.

You need a relationship that enhances your life, takes you closer to God, brings the best out of you, sees the hidden potential in you and inspires you to be all that you can. Not someone who is intimidated by your rise or success but rather one celebrates you. Such a person is an Asset.

Such person prays for you, encourage you, supports you in any way they can; with their ideas, money, hands. They are hardworking and not lazy. They give you good counselling, protect you from what is bad.

Partnership is not meant to make you poor in any aspect of your life. Everyone is blessed, so adding another person to your life in the name of relationship should make you more blessed. The bible says one can conquer a thousand but two can conquer ten thousand. Why should you settle down with a partner who takes from your thousand rather than achieving ten thousand with you?

In conclusion "And any tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire" - Matthew 7:19 (GNT).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.


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