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UNREST IN UKANAFUN: If Unoma Akpabio were to be a 'Security Agency' by Ukpono Etuk

UNREST IN UKANAFUN: If Unoma Akpabio were to be a 'Security Agency'

Yesterday I watched an online live video of event in which the wife of the Senate Minority Leader, Mrs. Ekaette Unoma Akpabio was the major character. Disappointingly, despite the fact that the live video came from suspected authorized information managers of the former First Lady, I still got stuck trying to figure out what the event was all about as I was unable to guess the nature of the event neither did the live video had any description. Yet, what I saw in the video was not only heart touching but unprecedented considering the fact that the Character involved wasn't a public office holder or a politician talk less of being an aspirant for the 2019 general election.

Shockingly, while still swimming in the euphoria of the event I watched and pondering what the event might have been all about, today I stumbled on a well scripted article from a contemporary commentator in which the same event I watched Live yesterday is described but painted in a bad light with the caption - "When Unoma Akpabio Mocked Ukanafun".

While it was obvious that the ill fated description of the event was not far from the political party affiliation of the commentator, it is worrisome that a gesture of that kind done in good fate by a patriotic citizen of Akwa Ibom State could be branded as 'mockery'.

For clarity, the event enviously described as mockery by the biased commentator was nothing but a presentation of relief material to the people of Ukanafun who for months now have been going through hell and snashing of teeth imposed on them by the unrest caused by suspected sponsored hoodlums in the area. Those who are familiar with the present state of Ukanafun can testify that the once happy people of Ukanafun are now in perilous time when a common thing like water can only be gotten in the valley of death. Most of the indigenes who do not have houses in Uyo, Abak, Ikot Ekpene or even outside the state to run to are left with no option than to wallow in the critical condition, hardship and sleep in their country home only at the instance of the security agencies in the state.

Truth is, the remnants of Ukanafun people need more than security assurance to survive as all means of livelihood in the area has since been bastardized by the evil men. No one is unaware that the popular Urua Akpan Ishiet where the people of the area used to feed from was set ablaze. Okada riding business and farming in the area is now "AT OWNER'S RISK". In view of this, common sense entails that it is godly and commendable for patriotic citizens like Unoma Akpabio to give life supports to the helpless people of Ukanafun in whatever way they can. Methinks, the people of Ukanafun do not need essay writing for now neither do they need public affairs and political analysis. Instead, what they need is life support, love and encouragement which is exactly what Unoma Akpabio did on Sunday 8th July on personal grounds.

Indisputably, Unoma Akpabio is the wife of the Senator representing the people of Ukanafun but then there exist nothing like OFFICE OF THE WIFE OF THE SENATOR REPRESENTING UKANAFUN. Also, there is no constitutional compulsion on her to go about buying relieve material like rice, noodles, wrappers, clothes, toilataries for the people of Ukanafun or any other place. She is not under durex to dole out money to the women of Ukanafun as empowerment to alleviate their suffering. If she chooses to do so, or decides to offer any help to Ukanafun people it is purely out of human sympathy as 'Eka Esit Mbom' (a Compassionate Mother) who she is known to be. Though Senator Akpabio has not told me yet, I don't believe that the items Unoma gave to Ukanafun women was sent from the Nigerian Senate or included in President Buhari's 2018 budget. So, complaining how many bags of rice and how many wrappers or how much he gave is Satanic and can only be out of hatred.

As at last checked, Unoma Akpabio has never declared intent to run for any political office, therefore unlike the politicians, her gesture to Ukanafun women was not politically motivated, hence cannot be called mockery. She is not the member representing Ukanafun State Constituency in the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, hence her show of love to the people of Ukanafun cannot amount to mockery. She is not the National Assembly Member representing Ukanafun as such her support to Ukanafun people who are dying of hunger and lack of business is not in anywhere near mockery.

In as much as Unoma Akpabio is not the course of the unrest in Ukanafun, her personal effort in giving succor to the people of the area can never be likened to mockery. After all, Governor Udom Emmanuel had recently hinted that the insecurity going on in the area is sponsored and aimed at making sure that 2019 election in Akwa Ibom State is conducted on a separate day and not on the same date with other states as scheduled by INEC. Who knows if those who are accusing Unoma Akpabio of making mockery of Ukanafun are not among the said sponsors.

Unoma from her days as the wife of the Akwa Ibom State Goveenor Governor didn't play politics with the suffering of the women and widows. As the First Lady of Akwa Ibom State, she never made mockery of those who are in need and certainly cannot start now to make mockery of the helpless people. In fact, if as an ordinary citizen of Akwa State, Unoma Akpabio spent her hard earned money to put smile on the faces of Ukanafun people, it therefore means that if she were to be the security agencies, she might have tarried all days to restore peace in the area. If at all she has power, she would have made sure that Ukanafun is liveable for the women and the poor ones who do not have other homes outside Ukanafun to run to.

All in all, rather than looking at how many bags of Rice Unoma shared to Ukanafun people, rather than wasting effort to count how many women Unoma gave wrappers, rather shading crocodile tears for the people of Ukanafun, rather than crying more than the bereaved in Ukanafun, rather than writing long story explaining how Iso Akpafid was killed and who is yet to be killed, rather than lamenting that the Security Agencies are not living up-to expectations in Ukanafun, rather than waiting for Senator Akpabio to take the report of unrest in Ukana to the Senate Chambers, let every Akwa Ibom persons including the political and public affairs analyst follow the footsteps of Unoma Akpabio and do anything possible to help the innocent people of Ukanafun put food on their table.

May God bless the 'Eka Esit Mbom', Ekaette Unoma Akpabio and also divinely arrest the insecurity in Ukanafun for the safety of the innocent citizens there in Jesus name - Amen!


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