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WOMEN DON'T LIKE NAGGING Written by Counselor Adofoli

It's a big lie when you hear men say they are married to a nagging woman. No woman is a nagging woman. In fact you wouldn't have agreed to date or marry her if she was a nagging woman. The reason why she is nagging now is because you don't listen to her. Most men pay attention to the warning beeping of their computer, car, phone than to the complains of their wives or spouses.

Men need to know that women are different from them; they are special and need to be treated as such. This is why God says husbands should love their wives. "Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting" - Ephesians 5:25 (MSG).

Loving your woman means giving her your ears, time and attention. It's not about imposing on them what you think is right for them, rather ask what they want. Loving your wife requires listening to understand her, knowing her needs and what is wrong with her. Women want comfort and security; they want to be pampered and provided for but it takes a man who listens to her to keep her in love. If you don't listen to the woman in your life when they talk, you make them think you will listen to them when they walk away or get involved with someone else.

Women don't just cheat or leave you for someone else; they do that when there is something wrong with the relationship, when they are not listened to. Then they start nagging and once they get tired of that too, leaving becomes the next available option.

Women hate nagging, saying one thing over and over and over again. It makes them sick, distant and unhappy. Many men have turned the loving women in their lives into mosquitoes because they refuse to be sensitive to their needs.

What keeps the smile on her face is not your money, social status, job title or position but rather how you treat her; like your fellow human being who needs to be listened to. Just as you can't stand the beep of low battery from your phone, please don't stand the nagging from your woman. Attend to her needs; take credit for her smiles and not her complaints.

Let her feel appreciated so she can give out her best in everything she does in the relationship. Stick to the things you did in the beginning of the relationship, things that made her fall for you.

One of the reasons why a mother's love is the greatest, why mothers are so special to their children, is because they make time for things that don't make sense to them as mothers, but makes sense to the child. She reduces her status to that of the kid, just to meet the child's demands and the child in turn becomes attached to her.

Not everything that makes sense to your woman will do to you. She is different that is why you need to listen to her needs and serve her. Nagging is simply how the woman's emotions speak when a man's ears refuse to listen. You damage your woman emotionally when you refuse to listen to her; it's just like continuing to use a device after it has given you warning signs, you end up damaging it.

In conclusion "Listen carefully to what you hear! The way you treat others will be the way you will be treated—and even worse" - Mark 4:24 (CEV).

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Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.

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