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Think twice before you buy your next tooth brush

Do you know your toothbrush is home to about 100 million different bacteria, especially bacteria found in your mouth and external surroundings where you store your toothbrush (Please do not store your toothbrush in the toilet or bathroom)?

Do you know the bacteria that cause plaque, tooth decay, gum disease, sore throat and even pneumonia can be found in large amounts on your toothbrush?

You want to protect yourself?

Avoid bacterial contamination with the Silvercare range of Anti-bacterial toothbrush.

These include:

Silvercare One Antibacterial Toothbrush

The super premium silvercare one anti-bacterial toothbrush is designed with the twin goal of providing superior tooth cleaning with its structured bristles and totally eliminating the bacteria that is transferred from your mouth and surroundings to your toothbrush bristles.

Bacteria elimination is accomplished with its silver coated brush head which on contact with saliva or water activates formation of silver ions which initiates anti-bacterial action.

This anti-bacterial action is continuous, ridding your toothbrush bristles of residual bacteria from your mouth and surroundings long after you have dropped the toothbrush, providing round the clock natural protection against the germs that cause cavities, tooth decay and gum disease.

The brush heads are also replaceable, which means you don’t have to dispose of the brush handle when you have need to change tooth brush. Just change the brush head.

The SIlvercare One is also designed with an ergonomic handle, having its centre of gravity shifted towards the bottom for absolute depth, control and precision when brushing with the right tooth brushing technique.


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