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LADIES, MARRY A GENTLEMAN PART I Written by Counselor Adofoli

Ladies mistake a man who says nice things to them to be a gentleman but that is not true. A gentleman is the man who does nice things. A man who never failed to back up his nice words by nice actions.

A gentleman is honourable man, integrity is his hall mark. He does not lie, he comes clean. His first rule in life is character first before clothing. He feels good inside before the dress to feel good outside.

His character is more important to him than his clothing. He is careful about what he does when nobody is watching for that is what define him. Because he knows at silence, when he is alone, there is someone who is close and that is God. He valued the relationship he has with his maker and won't do anything to distance himself.

There are men out there who are not honurable but dressed as one. They lied about everything. Their stories are inconsistent and anytime you bring one topic more than once in your conversation, you risk losing the relationship or getting angry for he feels insecure and afraid of being exposed.

A gentleman is such a wise person and anything he is in doubt, he does the crazy thing which is to ask. There are men who ride on rumours and half-truth in relationship. They act on their suspension, assumption and prediction without consulting their partner. That is not a mark of a gentleman.

Gentleman personality won't allow him to show fake love for he understands what he does when everybody is watching show who he is. And therefore leading someone into fake relationship means he is a fake man. He is therefore mindful of his actions and words. He doesn't profess what he doesn't feel and what he doesn't believe.

Unlike some men who doesn't know the kind of person they are and what they do before people speaks volume about them, so they continue to lead innocent and native into fake relationship just because of their personal gains.

Gentle does not flirt with other ladies for he knows exactly he already has one. Not all men do that. Gentleman is loyal and remains as such in the relationship whilst some men cannot. A gentleman cannot abuse his woman for he loved her just as himself.

If you are single, it time to examine the relationship which you found yourself in, if you realized you are not with a gentleman, it time to let go. It really hard to rebuild the trust that has been destroyed even if you forgive. It better to start a new relationship on a clean sheet rather than trying to correct the old one, such act destroy the beauty of relationship.

In conclusion "Doing what is right and fair pleases the Lord more than an offering" Proverbs - 21:3 (CEV).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.


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