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Faith Devotional: Put the Word Into Action By Kenneth Copeland

"Who so ever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock" (Matt. 7:24).

If you want your deeds to be blessed, if you want to see supernatural results in your life, you'll have to do more than simply read the Word of God. You'll have to put it into action.

That's what I did. Years ago when I realized that God was the One Who had the answers to all my problems, that He was the One Who could supply all my needs, I committed myself to do everything His Word told me to do. I made a quality decision to step out in faith on every command I saw there.

When I found out, for example, that God's Word instructed me to tithe, Gloria and I were already trying to stretch what little money we had further than it could possibly go. We were up to our necks in debt! We couldn't possibly afford to give away ten percent. But, we did it anyway.

We stepped out on faith and kept our commitment to do every command we saw. Before long we began to see financial increase. We've been increasing ever since.

Keep on reading and studying the Bible. Listen to teaching tapes. Go to church and hear the Word preached. But don't stop there. Go one crucial step further by taking the Word you've heard and put it into ACTION!

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:17-27

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