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Twitter user nabs Senator Ben Murray-Bruce lying on Twitter

Ben Murray bruce

Ben Murray bruceBen Murray-Bruce, senator representing Bayelsa East Consituency has been busted on Twitter for posting a picture he claimed was from Rwanda.

After writing a book called, “A Common Sense Revolution”, the owner of Siverbird group has popularly been called the “Common sense senator”.

Tweeting, Ben Murray-Bruce wrote,

This picture is not from Europe or America. This is Rwanda. They have e-bikes in the street that you locate with a mobile app. You use them abs return them. They are charged by solar panels. They are saving Rwandans both time and money. Rwanda is becoming a small giant of Africa.

However, another user of the social app noticed a disparity in the claims the Senator was making and the truth about the picture he posted.
Tweeting the same photo and the actual news, Henry Okelue wrote,
Ben Murray Bruce has refused to limit his mischief to Nigeria. He has found a way to drag Rwanda into it. Dear @BenmurrayBruce, stop embarrassing yourself. The image in that tweet of yours is actually from North America, California to be precise. Do better research.

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