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I always receive countless messages and calls from people in love complaining bitterly about how their partner suddenly doesn't have time for them. They always claim to be busy; even when they see them online or on social media, they still claim they are busy. Does it mean the one complaining is idle? What defines being busy?

I know of people who go to work just to sign cheques and come back, but say they are busy. Others’ job is to receive phone calls, and there are some who sit and act as caretakers for someone’s property. There are people who spend the time sleeping and that's what keeps them busy.

Ironically, we all had 24 hours in a day before we agreed to be in love; we were also aware of our timing and schedules. But what I find difficult to understand is, does the hours people have reduce once they fall in love?

Do people really understand what it means to say "I love you?"
"And here is how to measure it—the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends;" - John 15:13 (TLB).

I love you doesn't mean when I have surplus time I will attend to you, it’s rather making time in your tight schedule just to be with or speak to the one you love.

It also means I love you not because of what you have but because of what I feel, I care for you not because you need care but because I want to. It also means I am always here for you not because I want you to be with me but because I want to be with you.

There is are no restrictions in love, there is no demanding in love, there is no questioning in love and there is no fear in love.

"We need have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly; his perfect love for us eliminates all dread of what he might do to us. If we are afraid, it is for fear of what he might do to us and shows that we are not fully convinced that he really loves us" - 1 John 4:18 (TLB).

The next time you have the fear of losing someone you love, there is a probability he or she is already gone.

A real lover always has time for the one they love. They don't talk to them because they are bored, and they don't come to them only when they need a favour. The fact that someone loves you doesn't make them a toy you only use when you are in need.

Always bear in mind, no matter what you do or give to your partner, it cannot be compared to the time you spend with them; it’s irreplaceable, something money can’t buy.

In the same way that ice can melt into rain, love can turn into pains when there is an absence of spending time.

In conclusion "however, be sure that everything is done properly in a good and orderly way" - 1 Corinthians 14:40 (TLB).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.


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