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'Would Be Very Disappointing If Sessions Left' - DeMint

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Conservative former lawmaker and president of the Heritage Foundation, Jim DeMint, thinks Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stay right where he is.
In an interview with The Daily Caller posted Tuesday on Facebook, the former senator from South Carolina said he understands President Donald Trump's frustrations with "the refusal, with the fact that this Russian thing continues to go on."
"It would be very disappointing if Sessions left," he asserted.
The comments start about the 9:35-minute mark.
"But the media is going to continue to hammer Trump, and if it's not Russia, they will make up another scandal of some kind," he added. "For Sessions to leave will just create another controversy."
"Everyone is firing at [the administration]," he added. "But I hope that they don't start disintegrating by beginning to take out each other."
DeMint's remarks came during an interview about a new institute he has established to support the passage of conservative laws.

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