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My Boyfriend Beats Me

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Good day everyone, I have a problem that I want to share. I have a bf, we started dating in September last year and we love each other very much. He is very caring, always there for me and very supportive. The only problem is that he beats me whenever he is very angry with me although he normally apologizes later. He has a very hot temper and I am worried about this. Sometimes I feel like he is taking out his frustrations about other issues on me. I can't count the number of times he has slapped me before and later he will kneel down and apologize to me.

Like the day he invited me to his place and told me to buy something for him when coming because he was hungry. I did not have any money with me at the moment so I decided to cook for him when I got there. Immediately I reached, I saw he was not in a very good mood and I asked him what was wrong, he said nothing was wrong and asked me what I bought. I told him that I did not have money but I would cook for him. He told me that there was nothing in his house and I should have gone back and brought money. He said I should go back and get it. Then I got angry and replied that I was not his servant. He slapped me twice and I just angrily walked out.

I don't cheat on him and he does not cheat on me either. Our relationship is perfect apart from his hot-temper. We are even planning to get married in few years time but I don't want to get married to a man that beats his wife. I always tell him to start controlling his temper and he promises it will stop but it always happens again sad

The last time he beat me, he gave me a swollen eye just because I answered a call from a guy when we were together. I am totally fed up of this to be honest but I don't want to leave him because I don't see myself with another guy, I love him so much. Please help me guys, I am very confused now.


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