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Killing the Clever by Tom Ball

I said to her that people as clever as me were being eliminated by the ruling tyrants. They were doing irreparable damage to the human brain trust. I was in hiding, I told her, and most of my friends had disappeared. I told her, “I didn’t want to toe the line.” And they had put us all on tranquilizers, so we went along with our Leader’s dictates. The tranquilizers caused one to drool and be sleepy all the time. The spies didn’t care if we lived or died, we were just a nuisance to them.
    They got into our minds with MRT (mind reading technology) and determined whether one was clever or not.
    I said there is no new science as the powers that be forbid it and there is no good, deep art either.
    I said geniuses had made all human achievements possible.
    But now there were no more geniuses. The Leaders admitted to killing “The greedy and selfish who wouldn’t blend in.”
    My test was tomorrow, and I knew I wouldn’t pass so I vowed to her that I would become an assassin.
    But she squealed on me to the authorities but I was hiding across the street and so they launched a man hunt.
    But I killed one of the testers and took an MRT machine.
    I just needed to wear headphones and keep the machine within 6 m (18') of me, the range to read minds.
    So, I snuck into the Leader’s palace and got in the Leader’s head through a wall. I controlled him and got him to do my bidding.
    Finally, the Leader announced he was stepping down and was passing the leadership to new blood, me. But he said the new leader would not be seen in public and there would be no coronation ceremony. Then I killed him by turning up the power and literally blowing his mind.
    But everyone was out to get me. I was paranoid.
    So, I never appeared in public, just on TV.
    I lived deep underground, 14 km down where I was safe from assassins.
    I had a loyal group of 35 bodyguards and I ruled from the comfort of my living room.
    Finally, there was war and 99@ of the people were killed. I had a dozen wives who had each 250 incubator children a year and so populated a new city of relatively clever youth.

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