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Good Writer, Bad Writer, A.D. 2151 by Tom Ball

I had been told I was clever and that, “I had thrown it all away.” I just got drunk and chased women. I was sure I had a lot of good conversations, but I couldn’t remember them.
    I was an identical twin. My twin brother drank in moderation and spent his days writing and had gotten kind of famous.
    The next thing I knew I was 55 with jaundice and overweight. My twin brother was fit and trim. But then when we were both 55, my brother suddenly died of a massive heart attack.
    This sobered me up and I began writing, not good things like my brother but rather horror stories. It is a world of horror I told everyone. But I couldn’t find a major publisher for my works.
    Then one day I was 65 and I gave up on writing and turned into an all out alcoholic. I had a woman from Philippines, but no kids...
    I felt like an alien in this world.
    And I thought about the Devil. He accounted for my selfish behavior, my madness, my chaotic behavior, my anger against the publishing world. And my excessive drinking.
    The dark side is mysterious and shadowy and deep. Real depth is to find yourself in a clever new situation. That’s the devil.
    There were protesters who protested the 80@ tax, and there was no middle class. The Leaders were 12 in number and were rich beyond belief. But I didn’t care as I had enough to live.
    The specter of death bothered me. I was clinging to life waiting for eternal youth to be discovered. I loved life more and more.

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