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Pro Samuel Akinbodunse: “Why God Changed My Prophecy On Buhari’s death”

"Why God Changed My Prophecy On Buhari’s death"- Pro Samuel Akinbodunse

For some days now, the web has been ablaze over the video of South African based Prophet, Samuel Akinbodunse who is the General Overseer of Freedom for All Nations Outreach (FANO) for his prescience against the President Of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari.

He forecasted that he will kick the bucket on the off chance that he sets out look for re-appointment into office after his first residency.

The Prophet made this prescience in 2018 and asked Nigerians to genuinely caution president Buhari against going for a second term in light of the fact that the ruler revealed to him he will pass on before race day.

'Please Nigerians, caution Buhari that he is going past his limit, the Lord said his residency is only for a long time, in the event that he attempts to challenge for the second term, before they vote he will pass on''

In any case, this distribution contacted the Prophet in South-Africa about the entire situation and requested his barrier. He at that point uncovered that it was certainly not a phony prediction yet it was petition that turned away the disaster that could have fallen on Mr President. He additionally cited a book of scriptures stanza in this regard.

In his words ' The Prayer Of Nigeria spared Mr President, as indicated by Isaiah 38 '' Hezekiah turned his face to the divider and petitioned the Lord, "Recall, Lord, how I have strolled before you reliably and with wholehearted dedication and have done what is great in your eyes." And Hezekiah sobbed bitterly.Then the expression of the Lord came to Isaiah: "Go and tell Hezekiah, 'This is the thing that the Lord, the God of your dad David, says: I have heard your supplication and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life''

''The righteous men in Nigeria led a 40 days fasting and petition for President Buhari which I partook in on the grounds that Nigeria is one of the countries I viewed as my hearbeat. You can check it on our authority facebook page. God never lies and like the sacred text I gave you the petitions of the holy person safeguarded him'', he clarified.

Moreover, checks uncovered that he additionally made a prediction about the development of another Congolese President which happened as he said it.

The Man of God anticipated that in the midst of strain he sees Felix Tshisekedi Winning the presidential race of Congo When the outcome would be discharged.

''Lets supplicate that letter 2 shouldn't be letter 1 and letter 2 ought not indict letter 1 for equity. Lets implore that this decision won't be controlled and there will be no court case. Lets implore that the legal executive shouldn't confront the hardest test ever of nation yet I see two gatherings that combine over taking the steed that has been celebrating for at some point yet we ought to supplicate they ought not disable the four feet of the pony. I see 'F' and I see Seat. I see 'F' and I see staff yet it will be intense. Lets implore''

Furthermore, consistent with the prediction, the Democratic Republic of Congo is set to see its first handover of intensity in 18 years after resistance hopeful Felix Tshisekedi was on Thursday named by decision authorities as the temporary champ of a notable presidential survey.

It will likewise be reviewed that he forecasted the capture of Shepherd Bushuri in South Africa, the phony restoration supernatural occurrence of South Africa's Pastor, Alph Lukau, among others.

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