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Nina apologizes to fans for sounding offensive in some of her interviews

One of the most controversial BBNaija 2018 housemate, Nina Chinonso Onyenobi, has taken to social media to apologize to her fans for being too outspoken in some of her interviews. 

This post reportedly came in after a video of where she disclosed how she and Miracle made love to each other several times in the house. 

Nina in her post apologized for making an offensive state on social media. 

On Monday, April 30, the young lady shared a picture of her on her Instagram handle as she promised never to make such comments again and thanked her fans for their continuous understanding. 

Her post reads: “Hi guys, just want to clear up certain things. First of all, I did that interview next day after I got back from South Africa. And as at then i didn’t have a team to teach me certain things..... Secondly, I am still new to this and still learning. 

I want to apologize for sounding offensive or coming across as insensitive in some of my interviews. 

Expressing myself isn’t one of my strong suits however I am willing to learn and I promise I will do better. Love you all for understanding and loving me! Bless.” 

Student finds concrete inside iPhone X box he paid N321,000 for

A young student identified as Omar has just being scammed after paying a huge sum of £650 (N321,000) for a new iPhone X. 

Instead of a new phone, he got a box filled with concrete. 

The Newcastle University student, immediately took to social media to warn others not to fall victims of online bargains, especially those that appear cheap. 

According to the UK-based student, he disclosed that he thought he had found a bargain when he discovered the cheap sale of the phone only to realize that he had become a victim of internet fraudsters. 

Dailymail further disclosed that the buyer used concrete in order to make the box feel heavier. 

Using the boot sale app Shpock, Omar arranged for the phone to be brought to his accommodation in Central Newcastle on April 3, by a man called Jamie A. he was given the phone and receipts with an address in Sunderland. 

Omar said: “Once I gave him the money he kind of almost ran away. 

It was actually a present for my mum, that’s why I didn’t open it on the spot, I wanted to give it to her sealed. 

Once I got back to my room I opened it and I soon realised it was a scam. 

The concrete used matches the weight of the actual iPhone. 

I have quite a lot of Apple products and I have held a box, I know what it weighs and it’s very similar. 

I had to pay my rent a week to two later so I struggled with that. 

I was not cautious enough and feel quite stupid about what I did. £650 is quite a lot of money for a student or for anyone. I hope he gets caught.” 


Many relationships are in crises today because one is married to an immature person. Truth be told, many women are marred to boys. Boys who are not ripe for marriage. Boys who need to stay a little longer with their parents. If you have to marry then look for a man-friend and not a boy-friend.

Being mature is not about age or your college degree or earnings. Maturity is about responsibilities. You can be old and still act as a child. You can be old and still not be responsible. Being a man is about responsibility, to be able to cultivate, keep and provide.

Marriage is not a playground and not a thing for boys and girls. If you are a woman and think you are so matured and have all it takes so its okay to get married to a boy, then you are making a terrible mistake. It is far better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there or not there at all.

A man takes responsibility when things go bad and looks for ways and means to resolve the issue; but boys accuse, insult, blame and ask for a break or give up.

Men are interested in equipping and pushing their women to excel so they can take credit for it. For a man, a precious jewel is a great woman walking side by side with him. Boys will discourage the woman in his life from pursuing greatness, thinking she will become better than him and won't respect or submit to him.

A man is wise with his words, prays for his woman, appreciates her, compliments her and motivates her, but boys are careless with words, make you feel less, dampen your spirit, insult and compare you to other ladies.

Men know how much the woman in their life means to them, and value her over their ego. They are ready to say "I am sorry" and mean their words. A boy doesn't know the value of the woman in his life and think replacing them is the best option when things go wrong. They value their ego more than the relationship and will not show remorse for their actions. If they have to say sorry, it's just a show-woman business. Just to please you but they don't mean it.

Unfaithfulness is not a trait of men, but a behavior of boys who have yet to learn self-discipline. A boy thinks he can play with many women; a man tells himself he is too old for games but is interested in working together in life with only one woman.

A man understands that making his woman happy doesn't require a lot of effort, just his presence can even serve the purpose. He makes time to be with her, listen to her long talk, take a walk, advice and help when asked. Whilst a boy puts his work and friends above his woman, gives excuses why he can't be available but finds time to play with girls.

Men understand respect is a two-way street. They show their women respect whilst boys think respect is something they are entitled to and demand for it, even when they don't give or show same to their woman.

If you are a woman ready for marriage or preparing towards one, bear in mind a boy is not a candidate for marriage. Don't give in to what you might regret one day. Don't give your heart to anyone who doesn't have what it takes to care for it. Don't marry a boy-friend, rather marry a man who you are friends with.

In conclusion "My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind. They will help you to live a long and beautiful life" - Proverbs 3:21-22 (CEV).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.



How do you price yourself when you don't know your worth? How do you add tax to yourself when you don't know your value? How do you want someone to accept you when you can't accept yourself?

How do you want someone to call you a good person when you don't even know you are? How do you expect someone to tell you "you are beautiful" when you don't even know you are?

How do you expect someone to love you, when you don't even love yourself? How do you want someone to put you first when you can't put yourself first?

I keep saying dating is not for boys and girls, it’s not for babies and toddlers, and it’s not for pupils and students. Rather, it’s for grown-ups and the matured; who know what they want because they know what they have.

The danger of not loving yourself doesn't only make you empty and look for others to fill you; it also makes you live your life on people’s empty words. They will say words they don't mean just to keep you around.

Because you are empty and desperate, people tell you lies, making empty promises just to gain access to your heart. And once they succeed, they reveal their true colours to you. You know they are not good for you but because you don't love yourself enough, you couldn't walk away.

Stop trying to see in people only what you want to see, even when they show you who they really are. Believe them, for their actions reveal where their heart really is.

These people are only using you and don't see you as a marriage material, or someone they want to settle with as a life partner. It doesn't matter how much you submit, lavishly spend on them, flatter them or give them sex without limits; They are only time wasters and don't plan of leaving anytime soon. It’s time you stopped listening to "I am sorry" when their words have lost value because they failed to back them with actions.

The bible says in 1 Timothy 4:4 (NLT) "Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks". These good things include you and you should never reject yourself. It doesn't matter if you are a plus size woman. Of course people will tell you in your face "you are cute" and behind you they look at you as if you are a disgrace. You should know what God says about you and know what man gossips. Your beauty goes beyond your appearance; there is more to you than that.

You should be smart enough to walk away from all sorts of negativity. Never think your physical attribute is what will get you a good man, woman, or a good marriage, if that is the case, we will not have models and a lot of celebrities having bad relationships.

You have a heart and can see good in others which includes yourself, whilst those who mock you are heartless and can't see the beauty in you. The heart sees more beauty than the eyes do; so the question to you now is, who is more beautiful?

In conclusion "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago" - Ephesians 2:10 (NLT).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.



In his goodwill message at the just concluded Itu/Ibiono Ibom Federal Constituency Solemn Assembly/thanksgiving service on Sunday,April 29,2018 organised by Christian Association of Nigeria tagged THE TRIUMPHANT GOD,the CAN chairman expressed his gratitude to God for the successes recorded in Akwa Ibom through his servant Deacon Udom Emmanuel,the Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State
Rev.Ekwere who is an academic doctor,showers an encomium on the the current CAN exco for planning  the event which is the second in the row after that of Eket Federal Constituency,emphasising that his cabinet stands for truth at all times and will stand in the place of prayer to uphold the hands of the governor in furtherance of the myriads of achievement recorded within three years.
Assessing the developmental strides of the governor,Deacon Udom Emmanuel,CAN Chairman decribes him as 'a gift from God,illustrous son,erudite, dynamic of dispensational leader sent for a time such as this'.

Defining  his stance on the the second term bid of the givernor,Dr Ekwere established that AKwa Ibom State was structured on truth,equity and justice .which has been the norm so far.He canvasses support for the governor to fulfil the Devine Mandate in the second term which is a practical display of justice granted the socio-econmonic uplift in the state,making Akwa Ibom state a sinossure of infrastructural reneissance in Nigeria and the global scene.'what is good for the goos,is also good for the gander',he observed.

However,The CAN boss drew  an attention to the discordant tunes making the rounds as a result of miguided utterances in the media;after a media parley a fortnight ago.In his words:' The Present CAN executive in Akwa Ibom  State stands for truth and will do so at all times.Although some people have misinterpreted our stance on salient issues,CAN  will not join issues with anyone or group because we are too mature to be distracted'

Responding to the incessant killings of Christians by herdsmen in the state and the protest which took place same day,Dr Ndueso Ekwere expressed his disstifaction about the way the situation is being handled by the Federal Government.According to him,athough Akwa Ibom State has not experienced such because of the Mighty Hand of God,CAN totally condemn the continuous and ungodly custody of little Miss Leah Sharibu,a Dapchi school girl just because she cannot deny her faith and Master,JESUS CHRIST.

The clergyman put it thus:'We condemn in strong terms,the killing of innocent souls including the catholic priests during gheir mass in Benue State.The remaining Chibok girls yet to be released should be freed without further delay.We are resolute in our our decision to ceaslessly pray for unmerited favour,protection of lives and property.We strongly urge Nigerians to imbibe and show the Spirit of love and kindness and tolerance to one another as exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ and his teachings.Let us rise in our mandate to support the devine mandate of our Governor to make Akwa Ibom greater',he avered.

RCCG female church worker sent out of church over her dress

On every Sunday in most churches many ladies try to outdo themselves when it comes to dresses they wear to church, even the older ones are not left behind. 

Some men do the same too as some see churches as a social gathering where things beyond worshiping God can happen thus the need to dress to impress. 

A Nigerian lady known as Adeola from her Twitter hanle has cried out on social media after she was sent out of a Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) for wearing a gown thought to be improper by the church. 

According to Adeola who claimed to be a worker in the church, which means she is expected to be properly dressed and in most cases have been given the dress code of the church, her green gown looks decent enough. 

The incident happened on Sunday, April 29, at a RCCG church on the mainland in Lagos. Trust Nigerians, they won’t keep quiet over such, check out their reactions below: PETER @GREATNEZ_ "You simply cannot wear something like this to church. 

Totally unacceptable. Why expose so much leg? Trying to seduce the pastor? You’re not even wearing socks. Next time, please wear a jellabiya and/or burqa. Thanks! God’s Daughter" Hyke "☺ @ekesunvictor Interested in “decency and morality” but disinterested in humanity. Does RCCG think that this is the problem with humanity at the moment? 

Their official handle is busy tweeting about Dino and not calling out the human right abuses of Osinbaje’s government" 

"We are ride or die" Old chat of Nina and Collins professing love for each other on Facebook

Long before Nina went to Big Brother Naija and began a relationship with fellow housemate Miracle, she had a very close relationship with her former boyfriend Collins and they flaunted their love on social media.

In a post shared by Nina in October 2016, she explained why she loved Collins and said their love is forever.

"Do u guys know y I luv Collinz Onyex.....He is d male version on me ..and trust me we are ride or die," she wrote.

Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend shares a stunning picture of her adorable engagement ring

Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo seems to have given his partner Georgina Rodriguez an engagement ring as the 23-year-old flaunted her diamond laden ring in a car. 

The Argentine born model and mother posted the picture on her Instagram story on Saturday night while she sat in the passenger seat of the ex-Manchester United ace's luxury motor to show her beautiful piece of jewelry. 

She said in a text that accompanied the post that: ‘Con mi persona favourita’ which means ‘with my favorite person’. 

This is coming a few months after giving birth to her first child Alana Martina, as she blew a kiss in the camera while revealing the sparkling ring on her right hand. 

Meanwhile, the posted has generated a lot of heat on the social media with most comments agreeing to the fact that an engagement was surely imminent. 

Ronaldo however will be in action for Los Blancos when they host Bayern Munich in the return leg of their UEFA Champions League semifinal encounter on Tuesday, May 1 at the Santiago Bernabeu. 

The 33-year-old fired blank in the reverse fixture at the Allianz Arena as Marcelo and Marco Asensio ensured Joshua Kimmich’s early goal was a mere consolation. 

Brigitte Macron says Melania Trump is like "a prisoner in the White House"

French First Lady Brigitte Macron has said Melania Trump has become a virtual prisoner in her own home.
Mrs Macron said this after her three-day visit to Washington. Heaping praise on Melania Trump, Mrs Macron said the US First Lady is hiding a strong personality and is "fun" and "intelligent". However, she also added that she is treated like a prisoner in the White House.
Mrs Macron said in an interview during the final day of the Macrons’ US trip:
Melania can’t do anything, she can’t even open a window at the White House because immediately the security services call and say 'close it'.
She can’t go outside. Every day, I go out in Paris.
It is the second time Mrs Macron and Mrs Trump have met. The first time was when the Trumps visited Paris in July.

Mrs Macron described Mrs Trump as "kind, charming, intelligent". Melania is reportedly a very different person in private from who she is in public
Mrs Macron said:
On the contrary she is really fun. We have the same sense of humour, we laugh a lot together. Everything is interpreted, over-interpreted. She’s someone who has a strong personality but she makes an effort to hide it. She laughs very easily at everything, but she shows it less than I do.

Lai Mohammed: Buhari can beat his chest on 3 important areas he has succeeded

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has assured the international community that President Muhammadu Buhari is healthy and fit to seek re-election in 2019. 

Mohammed, who has been on tour of major media houses and think-tank in the U.S., said there was nothing to fear about Buhari’s health as he declared his intention to seek re-election. 

The minister was first in Washington, D.C. and later in New York, where he explained that Buhari’s administration had done very well and recorded so many achievements in less than three years. 

He visited CNN, New York Times, Voice of America, Washington Post, Washington Times; Al Jazeera, Reuters, Wall Journal Street, and the Atlantic Council and the Foreign Relations Council. “I think the exchange has been quite robust. We’ve spoken on a wide range number of issues from security to the economy to the fight against corruption. 

See Photos Of Yemi Osinbajo and wife at the wedding of the daughter of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mustapha Boss

Amanda, the daughter of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation SGF, Boss Mustapha, got married in Abuja today April 28th. 

Vice President Yemi Osinbao and wife Dolapo, Aliko Dangote, Otunba Niyi Adebayo were also in attendance. 

Senator Urhoghide denies calling for President Buhari's impeachment

The senator said he only called for invoking of a relevant section of the constitution and not impeachment.

The section quoted, he said, would make it imperative for President Buhari to explain his decision carried out without National Assembly contribution.

The Senator said an impeachment is a much larger process than what he called for Senator Matthew Urhoghide has denied calling for President Muhammadu Buhari’s impeachment. 

The lawmaker representing Edo South senatorial district in the Nigerian Senate, who moved the motion question the legality of President Buhari's withdrawal of $496m from the Excess Crude Account to by military aircraft from the United, said he was misquoted. 

Punch reports that the Edo lawmaker said this in a chat with pressmen at the Benin Airport in Edo state. 

Urhoghide said he never called for President Buhari's impeachment but only urged the Senate to invoke the relevant section of the Constitution so that President Buhari could explain why he took the decision to purchase the 12 aircrafts. 

President Buhari finally reacts to Obasanjo’s letter He said: “The President had a good intention of buying the equipment but the procedure was wrong. And he too has accepted that it was wrong. We (lawmakers) swore to uphold the Constitution. “An impeachment, if you check Section 143, is a long process. 

The first thing is you have to do an investigation and then correspondences will be entered into; the President has to be written by the President of the Senate, who is the chairman of the National Assembly. “Then, of course, he (Buhari) too will reply and this has to go on for a long time. We have not reached this issue of an impeachment. Nobody on the floor of the Senate mentioned that the President should be impeached.” 

Cesc Fabregas's lone goal inspire Chelsea to 1-0 victory over Swansea

Cesc Fabregas’s early goal was all that Chelsea needed to overcome stubborn Swansea City in their Premier League encounter at the Liberty Stadium on Saturday, April 28. 

The midfielder grabbed the only goal in the 4th minute to hand his side the maximum points after benefiting from an Eden Hazard’s cross from the wing. 

Though they have lost the EPL title to Manchester City, the London club will hope they can finish among the top four teams to participate in the Champions League next season as they are currently 5th on the table. 

Antonio Conte’s men got started on a bright note with a couple of moves from the Blues attackers, and just four minutes into the game. After taking the lead in less than five minutes, the visitors team continued to mount pressure on their hosts with a bid to add to their tally, but an Eden Hazard’s shot was blocked by the Swans in the 13th minute. 

Despite trailing by one goal, the hosts grew in confidence as the game progressed, and they were able to pull some passes together, but their efforts to ensure they level up as Connor Roberts header assisted by Martin Olsson was cleared by the Blues defence. 

Princess finally opens up on why her marriage lasted only 2 weeks

Popular Nigerian comedian Damilola Adekoya better known as Princess has opened up on how her marriage packed up in just two weeks after her big day. 

On May 6, 2013, Princess got marriage to her man Adesola Jeremiah but sadly news broke after few months that the marriage had suffered a crash. 

Speaking in a recent chat with weddingchannelafrica, Princess noted how cyber bullying contributed to her marriage crash and added that even on the morning of her wedding, she was called ugly by online trolls. 

She took out time to show accolades on Tiwa Savage and how she handled her marriage crises with husband Tunji Balogun. She said that Tiwa Savage is a typical example of a strong woman. 

Cee-C opens up on viral photo with Ebuka at event

Big Brother Naija 2018 runner-up, Cee-C has reacted to a viral photo of her and host of the reality tv show, Ebuka Uchendu at an event. 

The photo surfaced after Ebuka in an interview with Toolz of Beat 99.9 FM denied ever meeting Cee-C prior to the reality tv show. 

Cee-C, while in the house had told fellow housemates that she met Ebuka before she came in right the house. 

Reacting to her statement, Ebuka said, “she said something in the house that got mixed interpretation. 

She said she drove to my house and we had a conversation that made me put her into the reality show. 

“Apparently she came to market something to me, in some event, I mean, I attend so many event in Lagos. I’m not supposed to remember everybody. 

“Apparently, this happened at Terraculture, nothing about this came to my mind until I heard what she said during the show.

“To the best of my knowledge, the first time I met Cee-c was when I spoke to her on stage during the show. 

“The reason I didn’t debunk it was because I wanted it to die naturally. It was a very stupid rumour and I didn’t want to give life. I think she has crush on me. But I don’t know what else she has on her head. I’ve never spoken to her except while in the house when I was doing my job.” 

Speaking on the issue, Cee-C started by thanking sponsors of the show who have engaged her since she and other finalists returned to the country. 

She wrote: "I know i have alot to address and answer but I want to address this particular issue. 

An interview of someone I respect, admire and see as my mentor was drawn to my attention. Like I said in the house I met @ebuka at an event he hosted, Yo!!! the fact that you meet somebody doesn’t mean that the person has to remember you. @ebuka is HUuuuGE in this industry and probably meets over 100,000 people a week, so therefore he has every right to say he has not met ME. What I said in the house was from the view of someone who does not understand the industry. 

Guys I have met and had conversations with a lot of people this week, that would as well say they have met me this week too and I can’t even remember. 

To my fans, I do appreciate you all for always having my back, mehn!! where did you guys get that picture from???�� I advise we take it easy with the bashing, negativity, etc Love You All, Ceec❤" 

BBNaija: Collins friend writes Nina asks her to stop dragging him into her mess

A friend of Collins, BBNaija NIna's acclaimed boyfriend has penned down a message to Nina asking her to desist from dragging Collins into all her interviews. 

Nina's boyfriend Collins has being in the news since the beginning of the show as she always have reasons to bring him up in every conversations. 

Recently in an interview, Nina has mentioned she is love with BBNaija winner Miracle, and doubts if she can continue her relationship with Collins. 

A friend of Collins identified as Alexander Cynthia on Instagram, wrote an open letter to the ex-housemate Nina asking her to desist from dragging Collins into all her interviews. 

The lady who is so pained from all the gist surrounding Collins couldn't help it but react. She wrote: "Dear Nina, First of all I want to congratulate you on Your achievement on being one of the finalist of the just concluded #BBNaijaDoublewahala.. Since the 2nd week of the show when you supposedly fell in love with fellow Housemate miracle,please note that Collins had given up on the notion that you will come back to him so please desist from Slandering him and saying things that will hurt him more than you already have. 

Mind you he supported you to the very end,I helped him create the #Ninaivy Facebook page even before the show went live.. we all did..despite being mad at you we all still supported you till the end.. Please note : this is not a reprimand but an appeal to you and everyone that has been Dragging my Gee on social media to let him be.

Collins Nwamuo aka Spirit Child like I fondly call him will be fine but his hurt will go away faster if you stop dragging him on social media .. Nina Live and prosper..but Please be Humble and Don’t let life Humble you.. #PS Collins is not a Child Collins is not based in Owerri Collins is not a Barber Collins is a Graduate of banking and Finance he graduated in 2012.. He’s human...Please Let him Be..#BBN is over." 


It is an undeniable fact that, to be old and wise, one must first be young and stupid but when it comes to marriage, which is one decision that affects your life permanently, you don't want to jeopardize that. That is why it must be done well; you need a partner who is old and wise before you venture into this life time journey. If you don't and end up marrying a girl instead of a woman as a wife, you will live in frustration.

For the bible says "Better to dwell in a corner of a roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife" - Proverbs 25:24 (TLV). Arguments are the business of girls; they want to have the last word of such encounters. A woman turns conversations into discussions, and seeks to find "our way", doesn't care losing her personal interest for the interest of the relationship; but for a girl, it is a matter of her happiness over the relationship.

Girls are materialistic, girls like every nice thing they see and want the man in their lives to buy them for her to prove his love. With girls, no matter how good a phone is, it's no more beautiful when the latest version is out there. Failure to get that for them means you don't love and deserve them. On the other hand, you don't need to buy love for a woman, all she needs is for her man to appreciate her, love her, respect her and support her in any way he can.

A Woman will not force her man to get her a new version of a phone at all cost whilst the old one is in good state. She knows the difference between needs and wants, relevance and waste.

A naked six pack man is more attractive to a girl than a well-dressed man. Girls pay more attention to how a man looks and feels than how he thinks, his plans and vision. Women on the other hand pay more attention to a man's mindset, vision and direction rather than his looks.

Girls play too much, are insecure and impatient. Girls think a good man is hard to find and the best ways to get one is steal another woman's man. Women take life seriously, are patient, trustworthy and loyal. They are content with their lives, take delight in preparing for the right person instead of perching with someone else's man.

Girls spend more time online, Instagraming, snap chatting, making videos, competing for likes and comments, rather than developing themselves and their relationship. They make more time for clubbing, shopping, video making, people's business than to support their partner or relationship.

A Woman spends more time on learning; either on online or through books and people. She makes more time to read, pray, attend seminars, etc. She also finds ways and means to support her partner and family.

Girls love gossiping, lies and are attention seekers. Women have more to do that trade people's issues; they give respect and tell the truth at all times. Girls look for caretakers, whilst women look for husbands.

Girls are lazy; will prefer going to the restaurant all the time to buy food instead of cooking. Girls will prefer shopping for new clothes instead of washing her dirty clothes. Women are hardworking, make time to cook and also try new recipes. Always keep their room and surroundings clean. They wash their clothes and that of their household.

In conclusion "Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good; impatience will get you into trouble" - Proverbs 19:2 (GNT).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.


Adekunle Gold: How I got my inspiration from heartbreak

Top Nigerian musician Adekunle Gold has for the first time spoken about what inspired him into doing music. 

For many musicians, love led them to music but for Adekunle Gold, heartbreak opened up his heart to writing his beautiful lyrics which has somehow crept into the minds of all who listens to him. 

Speaking in a recent interview with showtime, Adekunle said he was heartbroken when he discovered that his ex-lover had another lover while she was also in a relationship with him. 

My most painful love experience would be dating a girl that had a boyfriend and I did not know. It’s actually the reason I wrote ‘Nurse Alabere", in my new album”, he said. 

Unlike some men who would resort to playing games after such a heart-rending experience, Adekunle Gold has found love again and he is proud to affirm that she is the very understanding type who has found a way to cope with his celebrity status. “Yes I have a girlfriend and she is the understanding type”, he said. 

Recall that Adekunle Gold was once rumoured to be dating fellow Simi after which the duo came out to debunk the rumour claiming to just be ordinary friends. 

Breathtaking photos from lesbian couple's wedding ceremony, they met 7 years ago

Pictures of a lesbian couple have just gone viral on social media after they walked down the aisle at Virginia Beach. 

The wedding reception took place at The Yacht Club, Marina Shores on Saturday, April 7. 

The couple was identified as 30-year-old Chantel Nicole Beverly, a 5th grade teacher and 33-year-old Shavonia Peterson, an exceptional education teacher. 

Beverly who is the bride narrated how she met Peterson. She said their path crossed at a night club in 2011 and seven years after they tied the knot. 

She said: “I walked into a club one summer night in 2011, she had no idea she’d find the love of her life, Shavonia, on the dance floor. But that’s exactly what happened. Seven years later they tied the knot and their gorgeous nuptials will move you. 

Being a bride felt like I was on cloud 9. After I got past the nervousness part, it was the best feeling in the world. I felt so beautiful and so loved. 

There were a few overwhelming moments but for the most part, it was wonderful. It took a while for me to find ‘the one. Shavonia is very interesting. She’s actually the opposite of me. I’m more optimistic and she’s more realistic. I’m very outgoing and she’s more reserved. She’s very organized and I could be all over the place sometimes. 

However, she’s my perfect match. She’s loving, caring and will do anything for those she holds near and dear to her heart. She is the yin to my yang.” Speaking on their proposal story, the husband Peterson disclosed that she proposed to Beverly on Thursday, December 15, same year they met at a night club. 

Tonto Dikeh honoured with Peace Ambassador award in Rivers state

Beautiful Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh recently bagged an award as Peace Ambassador by the Niger-Delta Peace Ambassador Initiative, an organisation that promotes peace and integration. 

The mother of one took to social media to show off her award posting a picture of the award which she captioned, "#KINGTONTO X #NIGER DELTA PEACE AMBASSADOR AWARDS.. @t_d_foundation Here’s to say a big thank you to the organizers of @nigerdelta_peace_amb_awards God bless you all" 

Nigerian man sends a boy he met on the street to school

A Nigerian businessman on Facebook has melted the hearts of people with his kind acts by enrolling a young boy he met on the street to school. 

The man identified as Chinonso Anudu on Facebook, shared pictures of the boy attending the same school as his children. 

He shared on his Facebook page that he met the young boy on the street, looking so poor and tattered. 

He further added that he gave the boy whose name is Ikechukwu a scholarship when he found out he was also out of school because his parents can't afford it. 

He wrote: "Take note of this little boy I met today from a poor family and he is out of school because nobody would help,I gave him scholarship today and I will show you his new look soon as his life will now gradually change for the BEST. 

IKECHUKWU Samuel the poor boy that I gave scholarship have now started school and he schools same place with my kids.'' 


Some guys think the fact that they can pay bride price, means they are ready for marriage, this is a big lie. Some believe that as far as they have their house, car and job, they are ready for marriage, which is another big lie. Marriage goes beyond all that.

Marriage is a ministry and you need the Grace of God to succeed. You don't go into marriage based on how much you have in your bank account or the house and the cars you have. Your marriage is supposed to be a place that heals your spouse and not one that inflicts more pain or sends them to the past. It is supposed to be the arms that mend and not the one that damages.

The fact that you can pay for something does not mean you can afford it. Affording comes with maintenance and responsibilities. You can pay for bride price but the real question is, can you afford to keep your woman in love with you till the end of time?

You have a big and nice house, can you and your spouse live in that house in peace and continue to love each other until the end of time? It is not about having the latest or most expensive car, it’s about riding happily and laughing together as you journey.

Marriage is not about impregnating her, but being a good example to the child you bring into this world, by first respecting the woman you call your wife, loving and caring for her, cherishing and appreciating her before diapers and wipes.

Young woman, marriage is not about how beautiful you are or how good you are in bed, but how you talk to your man, respect him, make him feel like a king, how you turn that house into a palace for him, how you praise and honour him.

The most handsome crown a man wants to wear is the woman who respects him and knows how to talk to him, who makes time to pray for him, who encourages him.

The most beautiful clothes that can dress up a wife are the arms of the husband she loves, which make her feel like a queen. Arms to which she is the sole proprietor, arms that are comforting, assuring and forgiving. Yet are strong, protect her and won't leave her.

Young man, dating her does not end when you get married to her. You start losing her when you stop doing that in the marriage. You never stop dating your wife, you make time and take her out occasionally, make time to walk and talk with her. Let her always look forward to seeing you. Don't replace that time with job or friends because you are married to her and she is your wife. Wife goes beyond the home.

Young woman, flirting does not stop when you are married to him else you are teaching him to look for that in a single woman elsewhere. You can't keep a mistress and girlfriend in your marriage. Marriage is very honourable. You are the mistress, the girlfriend and same as a wife. You flirt with your husband.

Marriage goes beyond what you see, you never stop what he saw in you which made him pursue you, you don't stop what you did for her to fall for you. You need the grace of God and His wisdom to keep your marriage. So never stop seeking Him when you are married. Marriage is work, the more you work, the more enjoyable it becomes.

In conclusion "And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own" - Philippians 2:4 (GNT).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.



After watching the full video of Moesha’s interview with CNN, one thing I realized was that many young ladies believe what it takes to keep a man in marriage is wild sex. A woman who is crazy in bed will keep a man in love with them. But if that is truth, prostitutes would have gotten married, there won't be anything like mistresses for they would have replaced the wives.

If being crazy in bed is what it takes to keep marriage or a man, Moesha won't be a loyal mistress to a man who has multiple mistresses. It means at home the man needs someone who is normal not one who is crazy in bed. She would have become his wife with no mistresses.

If you equal marriage to sex, and all you do is to be at home, exercise and wait for your man to come and have sex with you, looking forward to wild and crazy sex adventures then I am sorry to inform you, your marriage won't go beyond six months.

Sex is part of marriage, it is one of the important ingredients of a marriage but that is not what makes the marriage. There are reasons why a husband will keep his wife at home, keep her with that status of a wife but come for you as a mistress.

He has a huge respect for his wife and cannot trade that for any other woman. It also means you don't have what it takes to be his wife. And no matter your sexual encounters and adventures, he goes back home to the wife to eat his humble pie.

He goes back to the wife to tell her lies just to cover up for the dirt he plays with you. He is afraid of his wife finding out because he somehow cares about her and does not want to hurt her. He also does not want her to leave.

Even if the wife finds out, he is ready and willing to apologize. No matter how bad she is in bed, how ugly she looks at home, a husband who is keeping you as a mistress will choose the wife over you his mistress.

It also means the respect he has for the wife is more than what he has for you. Things that the wife will do which he will forgive or over look, when you do half of that, you risk losing your status as a mistress or you get replaced whilst the wife does not get a replacement.

Again because he is not in love with you, he comes to use you. There are dirty things he does with you, which he can't afford to do with the wife. And because of that, he doesn't see a wife in you, he sees a bad and dirty girl, porn star and sex worker. Someone he comes to have fun with when he is bored.

A husband trusts the wife but does not trust the mistress no matter how loyal she claims or portrays to be. It is easy to doubt the mistress but hard to doubt the wife. The wife is trusted that is why she lives in his home; you are not trusted so you are housed in hotels, guest house or rented apartment for the sake of convenience.

In conclusion "Did you use to make ends meet by stealing? Well, no more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can’t work" - Ephesians 4:28 (MSG).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.


Antonio Conte backs Chelsea on Mohamed Salah's decision

Chelsea manager Antonio Conte believes Liverpool sensation Mohamed Salah is an improved version of the player the Blues signed in 2014. 

The Egypt international has been more than superb for the Reds since he joined them last summer – netting 31 goals in 33 Premier League appearances and 43 in all competitions. 

While at the Stamford Bridge four seasons back, he only managed to score two goals in 13 matches before being offloaded to Fiorentino in 2015. 

Meanwhile, the Italian born tactician says the club was right on their decision as at when they sold him to the Italian side. 

The former Basel forward scored 39 goals in 64 appearances for the Stadio Olimpico outfit in his close to 18 months reign at the club. 

He however returned to the EPL three seasons after leaving for Italy to join Liverpool in a five year deal worth £37 million has swept almost all the awards available in the league. 

And Conte thinks it was impossible to predict that Salah would kick on to become one of the most sought-after players in the world. He said: "It's not so simple because we have to compare Salah from over four or five years ago with this Salah. 


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