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Woman takes cute photos with her 'baby' but it isn't human

Woman takes cute photos with her
A woman has told of how people give her strange stares when she's out with her "baby". And it's not surprising because her "baby" is a baby taxidermy fox.

Lisa Foxtrot met her baby in December 2015 after her friend gave it to her as a Christmas gift. Lisa was over the moon and she decided to name him Baby Jesus. He would change her life forever, in a rather bizarre way.

Lisa told the Metro:"I took naturally to being his mum because he is just a little baby, and I look after him and care for him as if he is my own."

Now the pair go everywhere together, including bingo and the supermarket. She takes photos and videos of their outings, and Baby Jesus even has his own Instagram page.

She added: "I do take him absolutely everywhere and I do get some strange looks – people often ask me what he is and why I have him, but once I explain his history and what he’s about, people are really positive. They often ask to hold him and take selfies – everyone has been really nice."

When he's not helping out with chores, Baby Jesus spends his days dressing up as popular stars for photo shoots. His favourite character to dress up as is TOWIE's Gemma Collins, and we think he's pretty much nailed it.


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