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Onofiok Luke Created for a Time as This By Aniekan Udofia

Williams Shakespeare in his book Twelfth Night  wrote "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" . For the  Rt Honourable( Barr) Onofiok Luke Akpan it is a case of all Shakespeare had described in some men that this young man embodies. Little wonder in the  course of his life he has demonstrated that he was born great , he achieved greatness with his exploit as a student union leader and then had greatness thrust upon him by those who were fully convinced that he has a lot to offer his generation.

Onofiok Luke's foray into politics can not be said to be accidental. Step by step he paid his dues serving others selflessly, that when the time came for him to offer himself for public service, the people of Nsit Ubium overwhelmingly voted him to represent them in the 5th Assembly of the the Akwa Ibom State Legislature.

When the people of Nsit Ubium gave him their mandate little did they know that they were electing a philanthropist extraordinary that will know no barrier to Akwa Ibom State. Nsit Ubium's gain became everyone's gain. Those who come in contact with the man Onofiok Luke can attest to the fact that he is a peoples man. His benevolence knows no boundary, thus he  has become a lawmaker for every constituency as long as there is a problem that requires solution he can afford to give.

The economic meltdown that greeted Nigeria at the beginning of 2015 meant that dependency ratio in the country increased a great deal. More people relied on political office holders and kindhearted individuals for their livelihood. Some who were sick depended on goodwill to seek medical attention.

 It was at a time as such that Onofiok Luke was battling against many odds to return to the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly for a second term. A battle that beyond requiring funds also required more than anything a divine intervention.

Even when his resources were competing in the harsh political terrain at that time Onofiok Luke continued to extend a hand of kindness to the sick and the hungry doling out cash to help the needy.

He was the hospital bill for many, the food on the table for many, the school fees for many, the cloth for the naked, the shelter for the homeless and the voice of the voiceless. Against all odds he picked the ticket of his party for a second term. Clearly demonstrating the amazing grace upon his life.

The battle to be Speaker of the 6th Assembly took several dimensions but God whose ways are not the ways of men gave the enemies temporary joy by delaying but not denying destiny. When the moment came for Onofiok to become the Speaker of the Akwa Ibom state House of Assembly no man born of a woman could stop him.

Two years down the line as Speaker of the 6th Assembly he has intelligently steered the ship of leadership of the House in the right direction. Creating a very harmonious relationship with the other arms of government in the State.

Just recently he presided over the passage of Akwa Ibom job creation bill that will guarantee employment for the youth and people of the state.

The law recommends the employment and training procedure which will require  investors in the state to engage a certain percentage of Akwa Ibom sons and daughters at various levels of the labour force. We have been witnesses to the gross imbalance in the employment quota in companies operating in the State. A situation that the Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General of Akwa Ibom State Barr Uwemedimo Nwoko had raised.

Presiding over the bill sponsored by Hon. Victor Udofia, Rt Hon. Onofiok Luke who may never be a direct beneficiary, passionately along with his colleagues charted a new destiny for the people of our great State.

Steadily and continuously Rt Hon. Onofiok Luke has impacted the lives of people. Even when we extol the Dakada philosophy of rising to the faith of greatness we can not deny the fact that in every society there will be the poor who would rely on kindness such as shown by Onofiok Luke to survive. As bitter as it may sound poverty is necessary for every society to develop. And when this happens every society needs men and women who will stand in the gap.

It is this gap that for several years Onofiok Luke has stood in . It is the gap that he has filled that has wiped away tears on the faces of countless number of people. The fear for many who know him is beyond leaving a good name for his children, would he  also leave fortune for them so that it will not only be said that their father gave all to the poor but also left  something for them.

If the people of Nsit Ubium elected a representative for themselves and he ended up being a representative for many , how then will it be when the people of Nsit Ubium, Nsit Ibom and Etinan Local Government Areas say to him, go to the Federal House of Representatives and speak for us. Then at that time as someone from Nsit Ibom i will now feel better and have a sense of
" na awa own" and tell the whole country how we have contributed positively to the legislative business of Nigeria by electing to the National Assembly an effective  lawmaker.

It is not particularly the best of times economically for our country. We need leaders who are selfless not scoring cheap political points but a politician whose way of life is giving to the poor. It is for such a time as this that Onofiok Luke was created. A new dawn beacons in Etinan Federal Constituency.

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