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I was at Game shop at the mall to get few stuff for the house. Upon getting there, I realized they were open but not serving customers. I also saw a notice that read "Sorry, dear cherished customer Game is taking stock now, for that matter, we are not open to the public".

I wasn't the only disappointed customer, we were a lot, no matter how we pled with the security, we were not in.

This shop was here to sell to the public but I realized taking inventory or stock was very crucial to the success of their business and that process needed no interruptions or distractions. That is why their doors remained closed to the public until it was done.

Why is inventory or stock taking so important? To know the items that needs to be restocked. You don't wait for the customer to come wanting to buy something before you say it’s out of stock. This process contributes to the success of the business or shop.

How many of us periodically close off ourselves to the outside world, our job, friends, family, etc, so as to have time with our spouse and take stock?

We forget to take stock of our marriages and relationships; we don't check if we have run out of PATIENCE, or whether TRUST is low in stock, if COMMUNICATION is halfway, or even if LOVE is almost gone or its demand has increased. So what happens? Such a relationship or marriage will eventually collapse.

In your relationship you don't have to fight to the extent where people have to come and ask what the problem is. This will happen if you refuse to take stock.

Some of us ignore our spouses, putting them down; but when you are not happy at home, no matter who you meet outside or where you go, you will still be unhappy. It’s not about how big the house is, It’s about how Happy the home Is.

From today onwards, I encourage you to set aside a date in every month for this important exercise. Find out what your partner is not happy about, that is one of the things missing in your relationship, work together to fix that, tell your partner what you are not happy with.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace".- as it says Ephesians 4:2-3 (NIV).

Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.

Thank you for reading. This has been your Counselor and Motivator.


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