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One of the big question single men ask is, "How do I know she is the right woman God has for me, since he who finds the right woman obtains favour from God?” This means there are some women who are definitely not right for you. One of such women is the one who forces you to have premarital sex with them.

No matter how beautiful they are, how hard working they are, or the role they play in church, if they have to force you to bed or put pressure on you for sex, then she is not the kind of woman who will be a blessing to your life.

Blessings come from God not men. God hates sin, premarital sex is a sin before God, so this is a clear sign she is not the right woman for you and you need to let her go.

Many men have had encounters with such ladies who claimed they needed to see if the man was good in bed before they say "I do". This should also tell you the lady is exposed to sex, she has had it from different men and trying to satisfy this lady can cost you.

If you agree to marry her, it could mean that anytime she doesn't get the satisfaction she needs from you as a husband, she will quickly go through her list of ex-sex partners and see who is available to give her that happiness.

Again, if she is marrying you because you are good in bed, be reminded she is married to your penis and not your heart. Such a woman is not in love with your heart. She just likes you for the sex and will use you. You get disrespected anytime her sexual needs are not fulfilled.

I believe every man wants a good woman for a wife, then he must first be a good man. Live by example. Stand for what is right from the start. Say NO to her demands, by so doing you get favour from God.

Always remember being a husband means you are the head of your home, you are supposed to lead her and not to make her fail. You are supposed to correct her and not to corrupt her. Leading her to God does not require you to sin, but to help her say no to sin. So there is no way you should fall for that.

When it comes to choosing a life partner, please choose someone who is good for your life. Your life is not your own, it belongs to God; in other words, choose a partner who is good for God. Not someone who is good for your parents; not someone who is good for your pocket or bank account; not someone who is good for your image or brand. Choose someone who is going to make your life fulfilling, someone who is a helper and will help you accomplish your task in this life, your life partner; someone who can only be separated from you by death and not sex.

In conclusion "The lips of a seductive woman are oh so sweet, her soft words are oh so smooth. But it won’t be long before she’s gravel in your mouth, a pain in your gut, a wound in your heart. She’s dancing down the primrose path to Death; she’s headed straight for Hell and taking you with her. She hasn’t a clue about Real Life, about who she is or where she’s going" - Proverbs 5:3-6 (MSG).

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