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A policy is a statement on paper by the government or an establishment as regards the way and manner in which identified problems are to be solved (Sulyman, 2000). To this end, different sectors of the economy have policies that are used in tackling peculiar problems. Hence, the housing policy is a tool that is used in town planning for solving housing problems, and consequently for the achievement of sustainable housing. Town planning itself focuses on spatial arrangement of urban and rural land uses for the purpose of creating orderly, economical, functionally efficient and aesthetically pleasing physical environment for living, working, recreation and circulation (Obateru, 1984). In line with the town planning procedures, the housing policy recognized the fact that inadequate housing constitutes a major problem in Nigeria (see Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1992).

Also, Wahab (1993) noted that the inadequacies are both qualitative principally in the rural areas and quantitative in the urban areas. He posited further that the consequences are the formation of poor quality of the environment, as well as depreciation in human health. An housing policy is derived from laws, regulations and administrative practices that can aid the production and delivery of housing.
Furthermore, the fundamental principles of freedom, justice, equity, authority, and public interest were taken into consideration in the formulation of the 1991 housing policy. The policy is a measure aimed purposely at solving the housing problems in Nigeria. Like other policies it has its specific goals and how they can be achieved. In this regard, the main goal of the national housing policy is to make decent shelter available and affordable to all Nigerians. The policy addressed fundamental issues like land ownership, housing finance, housing construction and delivery. Above all, an housing policy requires a strategy for the enforcement of the purpose of the intended programmes of action. A most comprehensive housing policy should address the role of government which may vary from the planning and control of all aspects of housing production-land, investment, construction and occupancy - to intervention only at certain levels or when solutions are needed to specific problems involving such matters as land use plans and controls, credit and financial aids, subsidies to low income groups, rent control, slum clearance and re-location (Lawal 1997:139). In order to make it comprehensive and all inclusive, the Nigerian 1991 housing policy contains an introduction and eight other chapters. These are:

·         Introduction
·         Goals and Objectives
·         Institutional framework for housing delivery
·         Land and settlements development policy
·         Housing finance
·         Building materials and construction costs
·         Low income housing
·         Mobilizing private sector participation
·         Monitoring and evaluation

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