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Iraqi prime minister says German girl, 16, could be executed for joining Isis

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German teenager dubbed a ‘jihadi bride’ could be executed for joining Isis, the prime minister of Iraq has said.
Linda Wenzel, 16, is currently in a prison in Baghdad awaiting trial to find out if she faces the sentence of death by hanging.
She was found in a basement in Mosul in July during an offensive by Iraqi forces to drive Isis from the city.
She fled her home in Pulsnitz, eastern Germany to join Isis in Iraq after she exchanged messages with jihadists online.
‘You know teenagers under certain laws, they are accountable for their actions, especially if the act is a criminal activity when it amounts to killing innocent people,’ said Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi.
His country carried out at least 88 hanging executions last year and many people found guilty of terrorism offences have been sentenced to death since control of Mosul was taken back from Isis.

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