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Fact About Kenny Blaq

Kenny Blaq

Kenny Blaq biography will be of interest to everyone who is curious about the work of this talented comedian. 

At the moment, he is one of the most popular stars in the Nigerian entertainment industry.

He is known for his impressive comedic performance. He has captured the attention of thousands of Nigerian fans. In this article, we'll talk about his journey to the top and how he made it.
Kenny Blaq biography

Interesting facts about Kenny Blaq Kenny's real name is Otolorin Kehinde Peter. 

There are 7 children in his family. 

He is the youngest of them. 

His mother actually gave birth to twins twice. 

Naija FM honoured him with awards for his excellent acting. 

Kenny Blaq comedy us often referred to as sincere, dynamic, and very entertaining. 

Kenny Blaq comedy
In 2015 and 2016, he was named the comedian of the year, an award which was given to him in Egypt at Middle East Africa Music Awards (MEAMA) for his incredible performances. 

The comedian has also performed in England and Dubai, where he gathered a number of foreign fans. Only a few people from the Nigerian comedy scene can boast of such success. 

All these achievements have elevated him to the rank of a comedy industry star. In the ratings of the most successful names in this genre in Nigeria, he has long remained at the top. 

Many fans began to notice Kenny back in 2011, when he participated in the Calabar carnival. 

This popular event is certainly the suitable spot for any entertainer who wants to show off his/her skills After noticing his talent, many organizers of large events began to invite the artist to perform. 

His popularity grew rapidly. 

Over time, he became a huge part of most of the comedy events the country. 

The young man studied at the FRCN Lagos Training School. 

The goal of the training is to acquire skills in professional presentation. 

For some time he worked for "SMA FM" - a radio station connected with the college. 

Kenny was a presenter in a musical-comedy talk show. 

The comedian created his own project, Making A Difference, abbreviated as M.A.D. He kicked off this project in Ejigbo, Lagos, and its purpose is to unite the society, inspire people to strive for their goals and achieve the maximum possible results.

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