Give nobody a chance to misdirect you that it's only a standard for ladies and afterward you as a man choose to live in lack of sanitization.
"Neither messiness, nor silly talking, nor quipping, which are not advantageous: but instead giving of thanks."Ephesians 5:4 KJV
"Give no man a chance to bamboozle you with vain words: for in light of these things cometh the fierceness of God upon the offspring of insubordination."
Responding to her post, Freeze stated: Virginity does NOT GUARANTEE HEAVEN, don't be tricked!- Christ called companions of the world 'miscreants'. 99% of your ministers are companions of the world regardless of their 'assumed' sexual purity.

He also shared the story of the 10 virgins and pointed out that all were virgins, yet, not all made it into the banquet.

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