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These responses to women asking men out on dates will restore and ruin your faith in love

Asking out the person that you fancy can be one of the most stressful and anxiety inducing things anyone can through.

You can play out perfect scenarios out in your head over and over again, but nothing ever seems right.

The tried and tested way is just to pluck up the courage and ask them and hope for the best.
What's the worst that could happen? Embarrassment? Rejection? Humiliation? OK, we're probably making this sound worse than it is.

There is reason to be cheerful though, as proven in a recent Twitter thread created by sex and relationships blogger Oloni.

She asked women to message the men they fancied and ask them out on a date and then screenshot their replies back to her.

The majority of the responses will restore your faith in love and humanity.

Ladies ask that guy you fancy out on a date and tweet me a screen shot of his response.

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