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Killer party by Kyle Shultz

“Stupid,” he said under his breath.
    “How could you be so stupid?” Ethan says as he angrily shuts his car door.
    “Sure, just decide to drive out of town and not fill up on gas, that makes so much sense, Ethan!”
    He stops and stares blankly at the long winding road ahead of him. “Dammit...this is going to be a long walk,” he mutters to himself as he starts his unexpected adventure. An hour goes by, he hasn’t made it far. Cars pass him, honking as he tries to signal one down. He knows he won’t make it far, he’s honestly not sure where he is even at. Another hour goes by, Ethan has his shirt wrapped around his head, gas can in one hand the other had stuck out still trying to signal someone for a ride. Ethan is paying more attention to the cars on the road than his own feet in front of him.
    He stumbles on a pothole on the side of the road, twisting his ankle. Ethan admits defeat as he lays on the curbside basking in the sweltering heat from the sun and the aching pain from his ankle. As he lays there, he hears a vehicle get closer and closer. The sound of a door closing echoes as he fades in and out from consciousness.
    A couple hours go by. It’s now night time. Ethan wakes up, in the back of a truck feeling sort of claustrophobic. “Where am I?” Ethan says in a worried tone. “Ahhh...” he hears a voice come from the front, “he wakes...” the mysterious voice says in a curious tone. Ethan is scared, “Who are you?” he says with his voice shaking. “Now, you don’t need to worry about who I am,” The driver says to him.
    “I’m just someone who found you on the road, passed out, and I’m taking you somewhere safe.” He says. Ethan can’t make out his face as he is wearing a mask.
    “Safe?? I just need to go home; can you drop me off at the nearest gas station?” Ethan says in a scared tone.
    “No can do, boy. No can do.” The Driver tells him, shaking his head.
    Ethan tries to get up, but he realizes he is latched down in the backseat. He suddenly starts to panic and causes a commotion, trying to shake himself free. This causes the Driver to lose focus on the road, he starts to skid off into the curbside.
    He stops & gets out.
    Ethan can hear the footsteps coming around the truck towards his side, he begins to panic and tries to find something that can free him. The door opens. “LISTEN HERE, if you don’t quit squirming now, I’ll kill you here and now and you won’t make it to dinner!!” The Driver says before he knocks him out.
    An hour has passed. Ethan is starting to come to...he hears the truck stop and the door open. Footsteps recede and ascend to his side. He starts to panic and cry. He’s worried that this is the last person he’ll ever see, he’ll never see his family again. Never hear the sound of his wife’s voice ever again. The Driver opens the door, loosens him up and begins to drag him out. Ethan attacks the guy and starts to run, heading towards the building closest to them. Lights are on and music is coming from the inside, sounds of a party.
    “BOY!! Get back here!” The Driver yells.
    Ethan knocks into the door and begins to yell in a panic only to be halted by a big “SURPRISE!!” by a crowd of familiar people. Ethan starts to gather his surroundings, looks at everyone, The Driver enters the room. A friend comes up to him “So...what did you think? Did you ever guess it?”
    “Gues-guess it?” he says as he is still confused. “This was all a plan?!? What the hell is going on here?!”
    The Driver walks up to him, takes off his mask, “As I told you before...” his voice begins to sound familiar, “I wanted to throw you a killer bachelor party, brother!”

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