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Castor oil for beard growth and thickness: Does it work?

Many men who decide to change their image and grow a beard always have the belief that the only way to achieve this is through the use of special tools and remedies. There are so many mass produced cosmetic mixtures that promise the desired results, but there is another cheaper and more natural option people are being encouraged to try - to use castor oil for beard growth at home. However, does this remedy really give the right results? Continue reading to find out. Does castor oil help to grow a beard? The results of using castor oil to grow a beard usually become noticeable after 3 weeks of use, but the body of every individual is different and the speed of growth could vary because of it. The high efficiency of castor oil is explained by the fact that it contains a large amount of nutrients that affect the structure of hair follicles. Each substance contained in castor oil has its own special function: 

Palmitic acid. This substance is a kind of conductor and catalyst for the remaining components. Thanks to this acid, all nutritional elements are able to penetrate the skin as deep as possible, saturating the cells which induce hair growth. 

Stearic acid. This substance promotes the restoration of the normal level of nutrients in cells by restoring and preserving moisture. It also provides cells with protection from the different effects bad weather, creating a barrier in the cell membrane.

Oleic acid. It stimulates the mechanism of metabolism which is necessary for enriching the hair follicles and activating hair growth. Additionally, it prevents loss of moisture from the cells and promotes regeneration

Racinolic acid. It affects the growth process, act as an irritant for the follicular structures, strengthens the structural elements and saturates the skin and hair with substances to improve their elasticity

Linoleic acid. It is a source of moisture for the skin and hair. Vitamins A and E complex. These are the main components that are necessary for the production of collagen in the body. They help give hair a dense structure and triggers growth process. These listed components of castor oil combine to affect all the cells that are responsible for the growth of beard.

Advantages and disadvantages of using castor oil for beard growth 

 The frequent use of castor oil comes with the following advantages: Castor oil is a natural oil and is safe for use in most cases, it very rarely provokes allergies and is suitable for use by almost all men regardless of their skin type. Castor oil can be used independently or mixed with some other ingredients to help speed up hair growth on the face; it also helps treat a number of problems associated with skin and hair. It is possible to use castor oil as a remedy in the convenience of your own home and at whatever time you see fit. Castor oil does not just provide nutrition to the hair follicles, it speeds up the growth process, protects the hair and moisturizes the skin on the cheeks, which prevents the appearance of dandruff and flaking. Castor oil is affordable considering its effectiveness - this is a great advantage in comparison with other expensive cosmetic remedies that give similar results. The only disadvantage of using castor oil to grow a beard is that you would have to apply it regularly throughout the period of use; it should be reapplied after a few hours for best results, and this is not always possible. However, if you really desire to have a beautiful, thick beard, then this is a small price you have to pay. How to grow beards with help of castor oil? Men who want to use castor oil to grow a beard should remember that no one is immune to the appearance of an allergic reaction, even when he is sure he is not allergic to the ingredients. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended that you first make a test application on your elbow bend or wrist area. After applying the oil to the test area, carefully observe how your skin reacts to it after 20 minutes; if there are no uncomfortable sensations and your the skin has no redness or rash, then the product is safe for use. How to use Castor oil for beard growth: Before applying this oil to your skin and hair, make sure your beard is clean and thoroughly washed with shampoo. It is very important to cleanse the skin to get rid of contaminants and sebaceous secretions. After cleansing, prepare the product itself for application by heating it for a short time with the help of steam. It is best not to heat the product in a microwave. The oil should not be too hot, but up to about 40 degrees. The application of the oil should be first carried out on the skin under the bristles, after which it should be distributed to the hair itself. For a more convenient distribution, it is better to use a comb with small teeth. It is advisable to rub the oil into the skin during application. This accelerates the absorption of the vital ingredients of the substance into the skin. The mixture should be left on the face for two or three hours. The use of castor oil to activate the growth of beard will have a good effect only if the procedure is carried out regularly. Repeat the process no less than twice a week. Rinse the oil off using a mild shampoo until the oil is completely washed out from the skin and hair. Also remember to gently massage your cheeks for about 10 minutes after application to achieve a better result. This helps increase blood circulation in the epidermal layer of the skin and facilitates the intake of substances contained in the oil by the structures of the hair follicles. There is also the option of carrying out the procedure before going to bed and leaving the oil on your face throughout the night, but this is recommended only for men with normal or dry skin. If possible, the beard should be wrapped with food film. If this causes severe discomfort then you can do without the polyethylene film. In order not to leave oil traces, you can cover your pillow with a towel before going to bed. Contraindications for use There are no special contraindications to the use of castor oil, but it should be used with caution in the following cases: Discontinue use if you suddenly notice the appearance of the slightest signs of an allergic reaction to the oil. Such symptoms promise the emergence of various problems on the skin if the remedy is used. If there are inflammations of skin in the areas where the product was applied or you start to develop some skin irritations, it is best to consult a specialist about the possibility of using castor oil. In the case of an increased level of fat content in the skin, oil is not recommended in its pure form. It is best to make your castor oil masks in combination with an egg yolk or skimmed yogurt. Oil can easily clog pores, but adding egg yolk or yogurt to the mixture will neutralize this effect. You can make an excellent hair growth mixture by mixing 5 drops of castor oil in a glass of warm yogurt; this mixture will strengthen the beard and does not require additional wrapping. Castor oil can also be supplemented with other ingredients: Coconut or olive oil. They can complement the properties of castor oil and help strengthen the hair follicles on the chin and cheeks. Fish fat. For 1 serving of fish oil, 2 servings of сastor oil is required. The mixture should be left overnight and washed off with warm water in the morning. This recipe should be used twice a week for two months. Onion. The juice obtained from onion is an effective tool that strengthens hair and promotes its growth. Castor oil is a simple, but very effective way to achieve thicker hair on the face and grow it out within a short time. The use of this substance is not limited to this area alone.

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